Thursday, January 08, 2009

Trippy hippy

Here's something I've been fiddling with for a while now. This little hippy was a drawing I did for fun to test in both black and white and color. Here she is in black and white. I've also got a version of her in color. Can't find it right now, though, so this will have to do.

I used Comic Works, which is a Japanese style tone program, to add the tones. I have both versions of this program. The second one is actually from Japan and when I open it up I have to rely on my memory as to all the functions, as the thing's either in garbeldygook or Japanese, depending on what my computer will read.

I love working with tones. You can move them around, turn them upside down, sideways, and get a whole different image. And they are great for evoking moods.

In this instance I loved that snakeskin tone--it worked great for her pants. And the sun image with the triangles kind of made me think of the affinity the hippies had for Native Americans, as you can see by her fringed vest, moccasins and headband.

Ah, those were the days. Hated the politics, but loved some of the fashions. I wouldn't want to go back for anything, though.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

All rightie!

Okay! I've proven it works, so now I'm going to go ahead and use this as my art blog. Henceforth, look for any stories I'm working on or new art I've done to appear here. I'll be giving out this url to folks to look for my art. Should be interesting to see whether this will make a difference in my life or not.

Testing, testing

This is a test to see what happens when I post art here. Now to see if it can be clicked on for a full image.