Kathleen, have you ever thought about giving this book its own website? Girls won't be able to find it from your blog. They're ALWAYS looking for solid manga to read on the web. At least you can give ED its own home and label the tags appropriately so they could easily find it.
Thank you, Mardel. You know, of course, that you have been one of my two biggest cheerleaders all these years. Just like I'm yours! And thanks for your prayers re: my art. Keep 'em coming! It will take some time for me to get back into the groove.
Lisa said: "Kathleen, have you ever thought about giving this book its own website? Girls won't be able to find it from your blog..."
I'd love to, Lisa, but I lack the knowledge to figure out how to get it back up. I did learn HTML code but we can't figure out how to access our old site on Comcast so it just sits there and languishes. This was the only way I could figure out how to get it back online.
Yahooooo!!!!!!!!! I am so glad to see you have this project up and running. Keep it up my friend!
Kathleen, have you ever thought about giving this book its own website? Girls won't be able to find it from your blog. They're ALWAYS looking for solid manga to read on the web. At least you can give ED its own home and label the tags appropriately so they could easily find it.
Thank you, Mardel. You know, of course, that you have been one of my two biggest cheerleaders all these years. Just like I'm yours! And thanks for your prayers re: my art. Keep 'em coming! It will take some time for me to get back into the groove.
Lisa said:
"Kathleen, have you ever thought about giving this book its own website? Girls won't be able to find it from your blog..."
I'd love to, Lisa, but I lack the knowledge to figure out how to get it back up. I did learn HTML code but we can't figure out how to access our old site on Comcast so it just sits there and languishes. This was the only way I could figure out how to get it back online.
BTW, I'm also posting this on my Deviant site. There are a lot of manga-reading girls there, and I'm hoping I might get some readership from them.
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